Helianthe Kort


Helianthe Kort is part-time full professor at Eindhoven university of Technology (TU/e) and holds the chair Building Healthy Environments for Future Users since 2011. She specializes in research on the impact of the build environment on health, prevention of building related symptoms and diseases, support for daily activities and participation. The research has a focus on searching for evidence of the build environment to realize quality of life and positive health for building users. The application domains cover the full healing environment health continuum from prevention at home and work to long-term care and care in hospitals. She coordinates at TU/e) the department Health in the Built Environment program as part of the Strategic Area Engineering Health. Helianthe is also a full professor since 2004 at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Utrecht; HU-UAS) at the Research Center for Healthcare Innovations. She holds the chair Demand Driven Care which has an emphasis on technology in care. She was the program director of the strategic area Care and Technology at HU-UAS (2012- 2015), and to date she is the program leader of Healthy environments, Healthy Buildings as part of the Smart Sustainable centre at HU-UAS. In 2015 she was appointed as a visiting full professor at Coventry University Centre for enabled Technology Health research. She started in 2004 the national Network of Professors at University of Applied Sciences in Care and Technology. Helianthe is a board member of the International Society for Gerontechnology. Helianthe started her career in biology. She received her MSc degree in medical biology from Utrecht University in 1987 and her PhD degree from Eindhoven University in 1994. She worked as a program manager at the National Institute for care and Welfare (NIZW and now Vilans) till 2009. Before this she was self-employed and worked part-time at the Group Biomedical Health Technology (BMGT) at TU/e as a researcher. She joined in 2010 University of South Florida and Florida State University as a visiting scientist. To date she is or has been supervisor / co-supervisor of 14 PhD candidates and 15 graduation and master students and is author / coauthor of more than 60 scientific papers.

Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology