Yeong-Ran Park

Vice President

Yeong-Ran Park is a Professor at the Department of Silver Industry, Kangnam University, Korea. She received her Ph. D. in Social Welfare from the University of Washington, U. S. A.(1995), and was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Oregon(2006). She worked as a Research Fellow at the Korean Women’s Development Institute where she conducted research projects on social policy and services from a gender perspective(1996~2003). She has worked extensively with the central and local government agencies and the NGOs on aging policy and program developments in Korea. She served as an advisory member to the Presidential Committee on Aging and Future Society, a task force member of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare on the issues of the Babyboomers, a board member of the Help Age Korea and a program advisor for the Korean Association of Senior Centers and a board member of the Korean Academy of Gerontology. She recevied the Minister’s Award from the Minitry of Health and Social Welfare for her contributions in the field of active aging(2013). She served for five years as the President of the Korean Association of Products and Services for Senior Citizens(KAPASS), She is currently the President of the Korean Chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology. She has published research papers and books on the topics of long-term care, gender dimensions of aging, social network , active aging and smart care. Her primary research interest is in gerontechnology and care. Email:

Gerontechnology (ISSN/EISSN 1569-1101 1569-111X) is the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology