| Educational opportunities in Gerontechnology At a round table meeting during ISG2018 Florida the focus will be on educational offerings. Prof. Gloria Gutman is the covener of this session on educational opportunities in Gerontechnology. Everyone attending the conference is welcome to attend. |
| EPIC Research and Career Development Program Early Professionals, Inspired Careers,
The EPIC Advantage Knowledge and Technology Exchange & Exploitation: Accelerate innovation and commercialization. Join our Knowledge Community and help establish Canada as a global leader in the development of technologies for healthy aging.
The AGE-WELL EPIC program will train HQP to be industry, academic, and community leaders in the development and introduction of technology to the health system and marketplace.
Further information can also be found on our website.
Professor Andrew Sixsmith Simon Fraser University
Health and Engineering – International Summerschool Utrecht, the Netherlands
The course Health and Engineering has a specific focus on built environments and building services technologies, as well as aspects of human factors. Furthermore, the latest developments, trends and innovations in the field of technology in the home or care environment will be treated in this course. The following themes will be discussed in detail: 1. Health and Environment, 2. Well-being in care environment, 3. Comfort, Care and Lighting, 4. Acoustic and Health, 5. Design for Dementia Care, 6. Technology, ageing in place, E-Health, 7. E-Health and monitoring, 8. Technology at home, 9. Older people, Health and Technology. Further information can also be found on our website.
World Academy for Gerontechnology (WAGT)
In December 2017 WAGT’s president, Alain Franco, stepped back and the undersigned became acting president. Nice is not available any more for Master Classes in the years without an ISG World Conference. We are currently discussing a new official seat for the WAGT. First Master Class will be in 2019, perhaps face-to-face, possibly as a MOOC or both. As to the Open Access Teaching Library, the main section will be in English. However, the option of sub-sections in the local languages of the ISG Cultural Chapters is also foreseen.
Expanding the membership for teaching is our first priority with at least two teachers from every country where Gerontechnology is taught. ISG-Grandmasters are also Grandmasters in the WAGT and currently originate from Finland, France, the Netherlands and the USA. Masters are academics or professionals (commonly with a PhD or DSc degree) with important gerontechnology contributions in either research, design or engineering, who have: (i) published papers on trans-domain gerontechnology in peer-reviewed international periodicals; (ii) at least 5 years of proven teaching duties; (iii) when not a native speaker: at least a EU-C2-level of command in English (or comparable). Associate-Masters are academics or professionals (commonly with a PhD or DSc degree) with academic publications on gerontechnology subjects, including some (or all) in the English language. Academics or professionals interested in becoming master or associate-master in the WAGT may mail the undersigned their credentials. Candidates from Africa, Asia and South-America are especially invited to join. The board will evaluate all candidates and appointment takes place in the General Assembly of the WAGT.
Prof.dr. (em) J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk j.e.m.h.v.bronsswijk@tue.nl |
| The Francophone chapter introduces her new President
From April 2018 onward Luigi Corrado will serve as the new president for the Francophone chapter. He writes: I am very honoured and happy to assume the presidency of the Francophone Chapter of the ISG and look forward to meeting you all soon. Nathalie Bier will represent North America and Abdelaziz Djellal will be the representative of French speaking Africa in this Chapter. Prof Luigi Corrado is the successor of prof em. Vincent Rialle, PhD. He is being thanked for his excellent work for the Francophone chapter in the past year.
The Francophone chapter is organizing the 28st tour on May 29 to de l’Institut Universitaire Gérontologie Yves Mémin. The topic is entitled “En marche vers une eternelle jeunesse? To join click here: https://bit.ly/2H2viAt
The Netherlands Chapter Professor Kort Guest editor on special issue in Healthy Building Environments
 Professor Helianthe S.M. Kort from the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands was invited as special guest editor performing with a special issue focusing on healthy building environments for ageing adults in the Healthy Building Environments for Gerontechnology. Read the full report on: https://journal.gerontechnology.org/pastIssuesList.aspx?iid=110
Special issue Healthy Building Environments. 2017. Vol. 16. No.4
Topics addressed in this journal vary from technologies for health and self-esteem, housing and daily living, communication and governance, and work and leisure according to the gerontechnology matrix.
In the symposium organized at the Healthy Buildings congress in Poland the idea for this special issue was launched from the publications produced in the field of Healthy Buildings, such as the review by Reinten et.al. in the journal The indoor Sound Environment and Human Task Performance of 2017 titled: A literature review on the role of room acoustics. Building and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.07.005
A Nordic Chapter is under construction. This initiative is supported by several Grandmasters among which prof. Vappu Taipele, former minister of Health in Finland. Members from the Nordic countries Denmark, Norway Sweden and Finland took the initiative in Nice to explore the establishment of a Nordic Chapter. Exciting news from the Sinophone Chapter Invited by the Far Eastern Memorial Foundation in Taiwan, the Sinophone Chapter Convened a White Paper named Development and Application of Intelligent Technology in Care for Older Adults. This book includes 8 chapters by experts from Taiwan, Japan, German, and the Netherlands, from different aspects, geriatrics, technologies, housing, robotics, environment, and education.
Three authors, Dr. Yeh-Liang Hsu, Dr. Thomas Bock, and Dr. Helianthe Kort are ISG board members. A successful press conference was held on April 19, 2018 for its publication. The book is expected to make a great impact to the society. The White Paper are officially online and can be downloaded for free.
Special article from the Brazilian Chapter I would like to share with you my article published on International Network for Critical Gerontology in Canada, because I’m sure that the lessons aren’t only for Brazil but worldwide. https://criticalgerontology.com/brazil-ministry-of-loneliness/ Jorge Felix Visiting professor Sao Paolo University |
| Events 2018 The International ISG 2018 Conference |
| ISG’s 11th World Conference of Gerontechnology May 7-11, 2018 Hilton Bayfront Hotel, 331 1st Street St. Petersburg, Florida Theme: Evolving Designs for Our Future Selves
The World Conference of Gerontechnology is almost on. When you read this Newsletter, individuals from as many as 22 countries will be attending our international conference. The World Conference of Gerontechnology is held every 2 years. Topics covered include assistive technology, biomechanics and ergonomics, rehabilitation engineering, robotics, tele-monitoring, telecare, ICT, inclusive design and usability, smart homes and smart fabrics, sensor technology, cognitive aging and computer games, and more. The organizing committee for ISG2018 is pleased to present you the program. for the conference in May. For more information about our speakers and details of the program visit our website at www.sfu.ca/isg2018 or e-mail isg2018@sfu.ca. www.sfu.ca/isg2018 or e-mail isg2018@sfu.ca. ISG North American Chapter & ISG2018 Secretariat Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre #2800-515 W Hastings Street, Vancouver Canada E-mail: isg2018@sfu.ca URL: www.sfu.ca/isg2018 |
| Grant Application Opportunity |
| The Herman Bouma fund for Gerontechnology Foundation offers support to young, promising researchers in the area of Gerontechnology with yearly grants for travelling or research scholarships. Interested? For more information: http://gerontechnologie.nl/grants |
Recent publications by ISG-members: Barbara Barbosa Neves, Jaime R. S. Fonseca, Fausto Amaro, Adriano Pasqualotti. Social capital and Internet use in an age-comparative perspective with a focus on later life. Public Library of Science one, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192119
E.J.M. Wouters, J. van Hoof (2017). Professionals’ views of the sense of home in nursing homes: Findings from LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshops. Gerontechnology, 16(4), 218-223 https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017. Houwelingen van, C.T.M., Ettema R.G.A., Antonietti, M.G.E.F, Kort H.S.M., (2018) Understanding Older People’s Readiness for Receiving Telehealth: Mixed-Method Study. In Journal of Medical Internet Research. Vol. 20 | iss. 4 | e123 | p.1. DOI:10.2196/jmir.8407. http://www.jmir.org/2018/4/e123/
H.S.M. Kort (2017). Healthy building environments for ageing adults. Gerontechnology, 16(4), 207-210. https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017.
Jawad HAJJAM. La santé connecté – Benchmark et perspectives. In: Aquino JP (sous la dir. de). L’Officiel des Aînés, 3ème édition. Ministères de l’État français, 2017:113-120.
M.M.A. van Tilborg, H.S.M. Kort, P.J. Murphy (2017). Specialist report: Dry eye disease and aging. Gerontechnology, 16(4), 211-217. https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017.
M. te Kulve, M.G.L.C. Loomans, E.R.C.M. Huisman, H.S.M. Kort (2017). A systematic approach to assessing indoor air quality of long term care facilities. Gerontechnology, 16(4), 224-238 https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017.
N. Bier. Special issue on technology and neuropsychological rehabilitation: Overview and reflections on ways to conduct future studies and support clinical practice. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. ISSN: 0960-2011 (Print) 1464-0694 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/pnrh20
Ponti, Moacir ; Bet, Patricia ; Oliveira, Caroline L. ; Castro, Paula C. Better than counting seconds: Identifying fallers among healthy elderly using fusion of accelerometer features and dual-task Timed Up and Go. PLoS One, v. 12, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175559
Rialle V. Villes intelligentes sources d’inspiration. In: Aquino JP (sous la dir. de). L’Officiel des Aînés – 3e édition: Ministères de l’Etat Français; 2017:107-112.
Taiuani Marquine Raymundo, Carla da Silva Santana. Perception of older workers about work and insertion of technologies in work activities. Revista Kairós – Gerontologia, 20(4), pp. 111-133, 2018. DOI: 10.23925/2176-901X.2017v20i4p111-133 |
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| You are more than welcome to join us. Register by dropping your name and mailaddress in the Collection Boxes at the Reception Desk. We will contact you with all necessary information. |