Dear Members of ISG,
If your organization would like to host the 2020 12th ISG World Conference please send a Letter of Interest addressed to the Secretary General ( ) indicating:
1) the proposed host organization;
2) names and affiliation of the proposed conference organizing committee, their history with ISG and experience in organizing international conferences;
3) proposed conference venue (hotel, conference centre);
4) proposed theme and keynote speakers;
5) potential sources of financial support.
The Letter of Interest needs to be co-signed by the individual who will chair the organising committee and an official representative of the host organization.
In the case of a university department or research unit, the authorized signatory would be the Chair or Director plus the Dean of the relevant faculty or a senior administrator; in the case of an NGO, the President and Secretary/Treasurer.
You may consider contacting your local tourism bureau for help in formulating your bid. These have expertise in highlighting the attractions of the host city and can assist you in soliciting competitive bids from potential venues. Your letter needs to highlight the expertise of the organising committee and its commitment to the academic, social, and financial success of the conference.
Letters of interest must be received by Friday, December 15th 2017.
With best wishes,
Bill Kearns Lawrence Normie
President Secretary General0